About Creative Nurds

You're on this page because you want to find out whether we're a good fit isn't it?

You're asking these questions:

Who are these guys?
What do they do?
Can they help me?

But most of all, you want to know you can trust us.

We can't answer that last question for, but let us see if we can answer the first 3.

We specialise in helping solar companies only

We are firm believers of the saying, "Marketing to everyone is marketing to no-one".

By focusing all our energy on one particular field, we areable to gain a deep understanding of the industry far greater than a "jack of all trades" web designer.

In addition, we know greater number of people within the industry and am able to keep up with the latest trends.

This all results in a better outcome for my customers.

Our aim is to be the leading industry expert in Australia in my chosen specialisation.

Why the solar industry?

We have had the following internal dialogue before.

solar specialisation meme

Memes are the best.

But we are also passionate about fighting climate change.

If we don't take action immediately, our children won't be able to enjoy what our planet has to offer.

Indeed, there are many ways where one can take action. Eg. Going into politics, educating the next generation, electric cars, energy storage, etc.

Unfortunatley, solar panel installers generally don't have engaging websites, or have websites that don't communicate their messages well enough to their potential customers.

If this can be improved, their businesses will be able to affect many more people.

Building better websites for the solar companies is where we can add the most value