Essential content for your solar website (single page)

Attract more customers to your solar business with a strong online presence. Learn which website content is essential and which can be omitted.

February 13, 2023
Attract more customers to your solar business with a strong online presence. Learn which website content is essential and which can be omitted.
Lucian Wu
Lucian Wu

If you're a small solar business looking to establish an online presence, you may have heard that a single-page website is the way to go. 

But what exactly is a single-page solar website and when should you consider a multi-page one instead?

A single-page solar website, as the name suggests, is a website with all its content on a single page. This is a great option for small solar businesses because it's simple, easy to navigate, and doesn't require too much upkeep. Plus, it's affordable and can be designed quickly, which is perfect for those on a tight budget or timeline.

Essential elements you would need on the single page:

  • Heading (Who do you help and why you’re different)
  • 2-3 pain points or problems that your target audience has.
  • Call to action about how you solve your customers problems.
  • 2-3 features and benefits about how you solve your customers problems differently to your competitors.
  • Your services (Solar, Batteries, Off-grid, etc)
  • Testimonials (How have your customers lives been affected as a result of your help)
  • Affiliations and Qualifications (To show you’re a legitimate company)
  • Contact Form (A way for your customers to get in touch with you)

However, as your business grows and expands, your website should reflect that growth. When your website is no longer accurately representing the size and capabilities of your company, it might be time to consider a multi-page website.

Below is a more detailed description of what you would include in each section.

If you're having trouble with this, get in touch with us, and we can help you.

Heading - who you are and what you do

Your headline should be clear and concise, telling your audience who you are, what you do and why you're different. It should grab their attention and make them want to learn more. Make sure it's big and bold, so it's the first thing they see when they land on your website.

Here are some examples:

  • #1 Highest rated solar installer in [Your state]
  • 5 star rated solar installer with over 300+ reviews.
  • Double Storey solar installer specialist

In addition to the heading, you should have an illustration or an accompanying photo that conveys information to your visitor as quickly as possible.

Whatever you do, don’t add a slider. Please. 

Pain Points - Show you understand your customer

Solar can be a confusing and overwhelming topic, so it's important to identify the pain points of your target audience and show them how you can help. This could be anything from reducing energy costs, increasing energy efficiency, or making the switch to renewable energy. By highlighting these pain points, you'll be able to demonstrate the value that you can offer your customers.

A crucial aspect of your solar website is highlighting the common pain points faced by your target audience. This way, you can show them that you understand their problems and that you have the solution they need.

Here are a few examples of pain points faced by homeowners considering solar installation:


Many homeowners are hesitant to invest in solar because they believe it to be an expensive solution. You can show them that while the upfront cost may seem high, solar actually saves them money in the long run by reducing their monthly energy bills.


The process of installing solar panels can seem complicated and overwhelming. You can assure them that you will handle the entire process, from start to finish, and that you will guide them every step of the way.


One of the biggest pain points for potential solar customers is hearing about bad solar installations. They may have heard stories from friends or family members about shoddy workmanship, panels that don't produce the expected amount of energy, or contractors who disappeared after the installation was complete. 

These negative experiences can leave a lasting impression and make people wary of going solar themselves. 

You can highlight your qualifications, certifications, and past projects to show that you are a trustworthy and experienced company.

Call to Action - Guide your visitors to the next step.

A call to action, or CTA, is a phrase or button on your website that motivates visitors to take a specific action. It’s the next step you want visitors to take after reading your content. For a solar installation company, your call to action should be focused on capturing leads or selling your services.

In addition, your calls to action should start with a verb.

Here are some examples of effective call-to-action phrases for a solar company:

Get a free quote today

This is a straightforward and direct call to action that encourages visitors to take the next step and request a quote.

See how much you can save with solar

This CTA appeals to a potential customer's financial interests, making them more likely to take action.

Book a consultation with our experts

This CTA offers a personalized touch, making visitors feel like they're getting one-on-one attention from a professional.

Your call to action should be prominently displayed on your website and should match the tone and style of your website's design. Additionally, make sure to use action-oriented language and a contrasting colour to make your CTA stand out and entice visitors to click.

Don't make the same website mistakes as the other solar companies. Learn from them instead.

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Features and Benefits - Explain why you’re different

Features and benefits are an essential part of any solar company’s website.

They help set you apart from your competitors and give customers a reason to choose your services. So, how do you effectively communicate these features and benefits on your home page?

First, identify what sets you apart from other solar companies. 

  • Are you the first ranked in your region?
  • Are you known for high-quality materials? 
  • Do you offer a warranty that's longer than your competitors? 

Or perhaps you specialise in a particular type of installation that’s hard for the average installer?

  • Schools
  • Hospitals
  • Double Storey Homes
  • Tin Roofs.

Once you've identified your key features, think about how they translate into benefits for your customers. 

For example, if you use high-quality materials, that means that your customers can expect their solar systems to last longer. 

If you specialise in a particular niche, that means less risk for your customers, and they can have peace of mind knowing that their installations are in good hands.

When you're ready to write your home page content, keep your features and benefits in mind. Make sure to mention them in your headline and lead paragraphs, and be sure to highlight how they differentiate you from your competitors.

Testimonials - Gives you social Proof

Testimonials are a powerful tool for showcasing the impact your solar company has had on past customers. These real-life experiences not only help build trust with potential customers, but also demonstrate the tangible benefits of your services.

Testimonials are a great way to show off the impact your solar company has had on others. Showcasing "before and after" stories is always a hit, highlighting the problems they faced and how you came to the rescue.

For example, you could have a customer testimonial that mentions their high energy bills and the frustration they felt, followed by the satisfaction they experienced after having a solar system installed by your company and the reduction in their energy costs.

Another way to make your testimonials more impactful is by including hard statistics. This could be in the form of dollar amounts saved in a specific time frame, or a percentage decrease in energy costs. These figures give concrete evidence of the benefits that your solar services can bring to customers, and help to reinforce the positive impact your company has made in the past.

Affiliations and Accreditations - Reduces risk for your visitor

Affiliations and qualifications show your customers that you're not just any Joe Schmoe with a ladder and a few solar panels. You're a legitimate business that's dedicated to providing top-notch service and quality workmanship.

Your affiliations and qualifications speak volumes about your credibility and professionalism. 

For example, if your company is a member of the Solar Installation of your country, it shows that you're dedicated to advancing the industry and staying up-to-date on the latest developments. 

In Australia, this is to be registered with the Clean Energy Council. And this is the badge you get as a result of your qualification:

By showcasing your affiliations and qualifications on your home page, you're giving your customers the peace of mind they need to choose your company over others. 

Contact Form - Allow your visitors to get in touch.

A contact form provides an easy and convenient way for your customers to get in touch with you. Whether they have a question, need more information, or are ready to book a consultation, a contact form can help you capture those leads and convert them into paying customers. 

You may be tempted to add a lot of fields to your form. 

From your perspective, the more fields, the more information you can get from your customer. But this also decreases the chance they will give you their information. 

Since this is only a single page, try to keep it simple. 

According to a study by Hubspot, they showed that reducing the number of fields from 4 to 3 brings a 50% improvement in form completion.

conversion rate and form fields

Taking that into consideration, to maximise your form submissions, what you should have is probably these 3 fields:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number

What you should not include in the homepage

We talked about what is necessary, but here are some things on the page that many designers would include, but I believe is unnecessary.


I covered this topic extensively in another blog article about sliders. In short, it is lazy designing.


Whilst I’m a big proponent of writing blogs (You’re reading ours right now), there should not be links to your blog on your front page.


Don’t show your pricing. You’ll just look like a commodity, and you’ll be compared with your competitors on price.


In conclusion, a single-page website can be a great option for small solar businesses looking to establish an online presence. 

It's simple, easy to navigate, and affordable. 

By including essential elements such as a heading, pain points, call to action, services, testimonials, affiliations and qualifications, and a contact form, you can effectively communicate the value you bring to your customers and help them understand why you're the best choice for their solar needs.

What are you waiting for?

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